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The procedure of cleaning and disifecting pools and maintaining the water

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After thorough mechanical cleaning of the pool, washing, removal of the scales and disinfection are highly suggested, as well as preliminary control of the fresh water.

Washing and scale removal can be done both by hand and machine – using devices for pressurized washing or foam generators. We consider this method the most efficient and economic one.

Suggested products for certain cleaning and disinfection phases:

- For hand washing and scale removal, it is suggested to use „Lactochem SK“. It is used undiluted and it is applied directly on the surface. After 10-15 min., rinse the surfaces.
- For machine washing and scale removal – „Acidopen“. It is used according to the guidelines by the equipment manufacturers, or with consultation with „Hemodom“ experts.
- For combined treatmant, washing, scale removal and disinfection, use „Akvalit“. The product is used diluted (2%) and should be left for 15-20 minutes on the surface and then rinsed.

After refilling the pool, thorough rinsing is required.

Procedure with freshly poured water

Before adding any kind of disinfectant or algicide into the water, before the first pool filling, or later during use, be sure to measure the pH value of the water (using adequate pH paper or a standard pH control set). The ideal pH value lies between 7.1 and 7.4. pH correction is done using „pH +“ or „pH -“ correctors. A larger water pH value can induce irritation of eyes, itching and skin redness. It is usually a consequence of overuse of chlorine based substances. It can also induce the creation of scales (when pH>7.6), which can manifest as white layers on the equipment and pool floor and walls. In the cases of pH being smaller than 7, there is no risk for human skin, but certain metal parts of pool equipment (pipe constructions, pump parts and filters) may corrode. It is suggested to keep the pH value of water between 7.1 and 7.4 using the adequate pH correctors, and then add algicides or chlorine based substances. pH control should be done during the first filling of the pool, daily – during the first couple of days, and once per week after that. Freshly brought water should be disinfected instantly and you should make sure that it does not get reinfected and that algae do not appear as well. Disinfection is to be done using „Hemosept“. The recommended dose is 2g/m3. Hemosept is a chlorine based product (Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate) and is a very efficient disinfectant. For prolonged disinfection as well as prevention of creation of algae, we suggest „Algicid“. This product is based on benzalkonioum chloride – a cationactive substance of a wide effect spectrum on bacteria and algae. It is added in amounts of (15-20)g/m3.


The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

Hemodom, Ulica Ljiljana 9, Sremska Kamenica, Srbija
Email : hemodom@hemodom.co.rs   Tel : +381 - 21 - 463 - 151